Photo Gallery

Photos illustrate our fun and camaraderie

This gallery provides a sampling of pictures taken during FLC Seniors Cycling Club rides and club activities. It is all about having fun together.





                                            Last ride for the Old Spokes for the 2024 season


                   Thanksgiving Monday bike ride, last warm day of riding with Old Spokes (level 1)


                                                   Okotoks -  level 1 group ride around Okotoks



            Level 1 Route around Cochrane                                   Group photo of Level 1 in Cochrane                  

             Group photo of Level 1 ride in Legacy                                        Route map of Legacy ride Level 1


                                          Cochrane Bridge, and the Historic park of Cochrane


                                                                   Level 2 Tour of Cochrane



                                   Level 1 tour to Bridgeland, another warm September day.


                                         Cooler weather in September, still biking  Level 2      


                                                  Group Level 2, around the Glenmore Reservoir


                                                    Level 1 ride Carburn Park McKenzie Heights ridge 


                                                               Level 3 Ride around Bragg Creek


                                                                       Level 1 Ride Glenmore



                                                                     Leverl 2 Ride to University  


         Level 1 Ride Bottomlands to Edworthy                            Route map Level 1 ride


        Leaders for the Bottomlands-University Tour L2                      L2 Lunch Break


         Level 1 Ride Sheep River (ebikes and 1 pedal)                Rest stop on the Sheep River


                                                       Touring Dale Hodges Park Level 2


                                            Pearce Estates Level 2 Ride


                                  How many Old  Spokes does it take to load a bike??


                                               Level 1 Group on the Wetlands Greenway Lookout


                                                                  Bicycles on the pathway


                                                          Level 2 Ride FishCreek Ridges


                                               Level 2 Ride August 20 View from Scotsman Hill


           Map of the route                                                        Level 2 Group Ride- Bridgeland stopover


                                  Level 2 ride from the Ranche to Edworthy Park


                           Level 2 ride from Ranche to Silverado in August


                           Haskayne Tour Level1                                         Route Map of Haskayne Tour 


                                                         Haskayne Level 1 Tour August 12


   If club members have a great photo of a club ride that you would like to submit, you can let us know by  filling out this e-mail form. ([email protected]) As a follow-up, we will send you an email address to submit your photos.