Cycling Rides

Cycling Club Succession Plan

To thrive and grow, the FLC Cycling Club has a succession plan. Cycling Club Riders are encouraged to pay attention to routes their Ride Leader takes during their rides, with the intention to eventually become Ride Leaders themselves. 

With experience, Ride Leaders can become Ride Coordinators who plan Season Schedules for Levels 1, 2, or 3, by recruiting Ride Leaders.

The Rides Committee, consisting of all Ride Coordinators, develops ride guidelines and policies and provides Ride Leader and Ride Coordinator training. The Chair of this committee serves on the Club Executive. 

Ride Leader Training is provided at the link below. All potential Ride Leaders are encouraged to browse through these materials and use them as a guide to their progression as new Ride Leaders.

Click here for Ride Leader Training

Ride Level Descriptions and Season Schedules

Each ride level works to create a Season Schedule by signing up Ride Leaders for specific dates throughout our cycling season. Leaders can view the Ride Leader schedule to get a sense of upcoming rides and choose dates to volunteer. These schedules are often a work in progress, so look for updates.

Day and Level Description Season schedules
Monday Level 1 Rides tend to be 20-25 km in distance with a speed in the 15-18 Km/h range. Minor hills can be walked if necessary, As the season progresses, ride distances may increase to 30Km. Reasonable rest stops are provided. See FLC Cycling
Google Calendar
Friday Level 1 Rides are usually under 30 km, scenic, and may include moderate hills. Several out-of-town trips. Slightly brisker pace for the more experienced Level 1 riders. Breaks and no one is left behind. See FLC Cycling
Google Calendar
Tuesday and Thursday Level 2 Usually 30-40 km long, moderate 18 - 20 Km/h pace on the flat, with some hills. Our numerous ride leaders ensure we have varied scenic and informative routes in locations around the city and beyond. Much camaraderie during our breaks. See
Regular schedules
Wednesday and Saturday Level 3 40 - 70+ km long at a slightly faster pace than Level 2 which may include more challenging terrain (review ride descriptions)  such as longer and steeper hills (we most often ride up), road riding, shale and gravel, hairpin turns etc. Fewer stops but we do pause for rests at the hilltops, viewpoints, washrooms, water breaks, snacks and include an up to 30 min lunch break.

See FLC Cycling
Google Calendar

        View the Google Calendar by date, week or month or as a table: Click here for instructions.

All riders must be able to ride 15+ Km/h for a minimum distance of 20Km and have good bike handling skills. This should include riding in a group, cornering, climbing, descending, braking and maintaining balance while on the bike.

Signing Up for FLC Cycling Club Rides

Before signing up for a ride 

  • We require membership in both the FLC Seniors Club and the FLC Seniors Cycling clubs to participate (see MEMBERSHIP for more information.)

How to sign up for a ride

  • We ask ride leaders to post rides up to two weeks in advance, with members' sign-up permitted one week ahead.
  • Members can register for a ride at 8 am on the designated sign-up day.
  • To view and register for upcoming rides, click below on the Sign-Up buttons
  • If you need to cancel, do so as soon as possible to provide notice and space for another rider.
    Enter your membership number again using the same Sign-Up button, and click on the cancel button.
  • A leader who cancels an event will send a notification to all registered riders by 8 o'clock on the morning of the ride.


  • Rides typically start in the morning. Riders should pack a lunch unless ride details specify otherwise.
  • Bikes, E-bikes that meet provincial regulations and recumbent trikes that meet club requirements are welcome.  (see Guidelines for more information)