New Horizons for Seniors Program Grant
The FLC Seniors Club is pleased to announce that the Club has received a grant of $14,980 from Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program. The grant will be used for a large screen smart TV monitor, new chairs, and modification to the existing chair storage cupboard all in the Seniors Lounge in the Trico Centre.
The large screen TV monitor can be connected to in-house Wi-Fi or to a lap top computer and can be used by our activity groups for instructions, teaching, demonstrations, and meetings. Once in place our seniors will find many uses for the system.
The existing arm chairs will be refurbished and new arm chairs will be purchased to replace all the folding chairs. The folding chairs are unsuitable and dangerous for our older members; the chairs do not have arms which our older seniors need. The Club has activities scheduled in the Seniors Lounge 3 times a day, 6 days a week; quality chairs are required.
The Club would like to thank Brenda Smith of Trico Centre for her support of this project, and to the staff of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program for their assistance with this grant.