Seniors Week at TRICO CENTRE
TRICO CENTRE is recognizing and celebrating seniors the week of June 2 to 8, 2014
All seniors, whether FLC Seniors Club members or not, are invited to come to TRICO Centre to explore what TRICO CENTRE has to offer to meet you physical exercise needs.
During the week TRICO will offer the following to seniors:
- Bring a senior for free – a senior brought in by a TRICO CENTRE member can use any of the TRICO facilities, including the fitness centre, aquatics area, gymnasium, and any of the drop in fitness classes.
- Free fitness center evaluation for seniors – instruction on how to use the exercise equipment, and which equipment and exercise would work best for you (hand out provided).
- Two free yoga classes designed for seniors.
Tuesday, June 3 11:45 – 12:45 Mind, Body, & Breath Yoga
Wednesday, June 4 12:00 - 1:00 Yoga Wisdom
- A TRICO Centre Senior Membership and Activities pamphlet highlighting all seniors programs offered at TRICO Guest Services desk.
- A Primary Care Network table highlighting the resource PCN has available for seniors.
The FLC Seniors Club will have a table with information about us on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings of that week. We will have a FLC member at the desk to talk to any seniors with questions or interest in our club. And on these mornings, we will have a free coffee for all new seniors coming by.