
Annual General Meeting held

October 19, 2013

Our Annual General Meeting was held on October 19th. At this meeting the following individuals were acclaimed as board members. When next you see them please take time to congratulate them. The new board members are Margaret Jone, Jan DeBruyn, Mike Hughes, Ian Neilson, Ron Schaus and Don Vernon.

The board would like to thank retiring board members Linda Hughes, Maureen Bracken and Hugh Phelan for the contributions on behalf of the club. As Treasurer, Linda Hughes was a significant contributor to implementation of our club wide accounting systems. A major step forward for the club! Maureen Bracken has been managing our room bookings these past two years, this ensured all our activities are able to enjoy the many benefits offered by the Trico centre. Hugh Phelan, as past president, has continued to contribute in many different roles. His counsel to all on the board has been greatly appreciated.

At our AGM in recognition of our 30th anniversary, two very special guests were in attendance. Elsie Whytock, was a member of our original board in 1983. We were honoured to have her participate and be recognized by all in attendance. As well, Brenda Smith, General Manager of the Trico Centre. Brenda recently celebrated her 30th year of service with the Trico Centre. That’s right she was their in the beginning. Dennis Herard, Jack Redekop and Al Brissette acknowledged her role in the evolution and development of the Trico Centre. Al, on behalf of the club, presented her with a painting, painted by Irma Karsten of our Brushstrokes group.
