Cycling Ride

  • This ride has been cancelled.

Level 1

Monday, April 29, 2024 at 11:00am

Departing from Carburn Park at 11 AM we will ride along the canal to RKP via Shepard. Route is pretty much all on pathways except for a couple of blocks passing through Shepard. Lunch and washrooms will be at RKP. Washrooms are at Carburn Park too.The return trip will be on 114 Ave which will result in the trip being about 32 km. There will be several busy street crossings with lights.Riders are expected to be able to ride on the streets with vehicles and be able to ride at 16 to 18 kph. Bring your lunch, helmet and your well maintained bike. For ebike owners, remember to bring your battery! If coming from the north, turn east onto Glenmore trail to 18 St then head south to River Valley Drive where you will turn right [west].Follow River Valley Drive to Riverview Drive where you will turn left then go for a couple of blocks then turn right into the Carburn parking lot. If coming from the south on Deerfoot, turn north onto 24 St then turn left onto 18 St. Proceed on 18 St to River Valley Drive where you will turn left. Proceed on River Valley Drive to Riverview Drive then turn left and go a couple of block and Carburn Park is to your right. On the day of the ride only, my cell is 403-629-1822. On the day of the ride, please check the website incase the ride is cancelled or there is a time change. If cancelled you will receive an email stating the cancellation.

Meeting Location: Parking lot at Carburn Park
Leader: Ken Itaya 403-249-7441
Sweep: Doreen Munsie